Salford Fibromyalgia Support Group
Salford Fibromyalgia Support Group
"Facing Fibromyalgia Together"
On International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day in May, we hosted a stand at Salford Royal Hospital.
We handed out lots of information booklets and leaflets and made a number of useful contacts for the group.
We have been able to produce our own information leaflets through out sponsor "Crystal Health" who help us in so many ways.
Sincere thanks are due to them for their ongoing support for the group.
John McChrystal again completed a sponsored cycle ride in the Scottish Highlands to raise money to help us continue running the group and being able to host monthly meetings.
In addition to monthly meetings, group members have been and continue to be involved in a number of events such as :-
- 28th - 30th April - FMAUK Information Stand at the British Society for Rheumatology Conference at Manchester Central (G-Mex)
- 12th May - International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day - Information Stall at Eccles Gateway Centre
- 19th May - Pint of Science Festival - Guest Speaker "Pain, The Brain and a Little Bit of Magic" The Old Monkey, Manchester
- Ongoing involvement with Active8 meetings held at Salford Royal Physiotherapy Department